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Hello, 世界
Arrow is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. It is meant to be embedded in C, C++ and Rust software as an extension language, in the same way as Tcl/Tk and Guile.

Right now Arrow is a notion, not running code. This page is a place-holder. As it develops, the design and implementation process will be documented on the blog. The general concept is to merge ECL (Embeddable Common Lisp), Qt GUI support, and the ORO (One Reference Only) garbage collector from newLisp.

Why Arrow? Revenge for the passing of FoxPro, Turbo Pascal, SmallTalk 72, Lisp Machines, and the Burroughs 5500 mainframe. And also to see what happens when you can blend the best parts of Lisp, Haskell, C, Plan9, and Oberon.

Did you ever wonder what would have happened if Richard Stallman hadn't squelched Tcl/Tk? Maybe the Qt toolkit never would have been needed, or created. Maybe Javascript never would have been needed, or created.
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